Twenty Rak'ats For The Tarawih Prayer
Hadrat Abu Hurairah رضی
اللہ عنہ reported that the
Messenger of Allah has said:
قام رمضان إيمانا واحتسابا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه
“…whoever prays during the night in Ramadhan sincerely; seeking
his reward from Allah, his former sins are forgiven.”
[Sahih al-Muslim, Vol. 1, Page 259, Hadith
Hadrat Sa’ib ibn Yazid has stated that:
كانوا يقومون على عهد عمر بن الخطاب رضى الله
عنه فى شهر رمضان بعشرين ركعة
“We, (the Companions of the Beloved Prophet,) used to pray twenty rak’ats
Tarawih prayer in the era of the Caliph ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab.”
[Sunan al-Bayhaqi, Vol. 2, Page 224,
Hadith 4801]
It has been stated in Mirqat al-Mafatih:
إسناده صحيح
The chain of narration of this Hadith is sound (Sahih).
[Mirqat al-Mafatih – Vol. 2, Page 175]
Hadrat Yazid ibn Ruman reports that:
كان الناس يقومون فى زمان
عمر بن الخطاب فى رمضان بثلاث وعشرين ركعة
“...during the time of Hadrat ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, people used to
pray 23 Rak’ahs during Ramadhan (20 rak’ahs for Tarawih prayer and 3 rak’ats
for witr.)”
[Muwatta Imam Malik, Vol. 1, Page 115,
Hadith 251]
Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu narrates, said that,
النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يصلي في رمضان عشرين ركعة سوى الوتر
During the month of Ramadhan, aside from the praying of wit’r the
beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aaihi wa Sallam would also pray 20 rak’ahs
of Tarawih.
Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Vol. 2, Page 164, Hadith 7692
At-Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Awsat, Vol. 1, Page 243, Hadith 798
At-Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Awsat, Vol. 5, Page 324, Hadith 5440
At-Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Kabir, Vol. 11, Page 393, Hadith 12102
Al-Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page 496, Hadith 4391
Abd bin Hamid, Musnad, Vol. 1, Page 218, Hadith 653
Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh, Vol. 6, Page 113
Al-Haytami, Majma’ az-Zawaid, Vol. 3, Page 172
Ibn Abd-al Barr, al-Tamhid, Vol. 8, Page 115
Al-Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, Vol. 4, Page 254, Hadith 1908
Al-Asqalani, al-Diraya, Vol. 1, Page 203, Hadith 257
As-Suyooti, Tanwir al-Hawaliq, Vol. 1, Page 108, Hadith 263
Zahbi, Mizan al-Ae’tidal, Vol. 1, Page 170
Al-San’ani, Subul Islam, Vol. 2, Page 10
Al-Mizzi, Tahzib al-Kamal, Vol. 2, Page 149
Al-Zela’i, Nasb al-Rayah, Vol. 2, Page 153
Zurqani, Sharh Alal Muwatta, Vol. 1, Page 342
The consensus (
Ijma’) of the Companions
A companion of Sayyiduna Ali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu, Sayyiduna Shutayr bin
Shakil narrates that:
"During the month of Ramadhan Sayyiduna Ali would read 20 rak'ahs
of Tarawih and 3 wit’r."
Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Vol. 2, Page 163, Hadith 7680
Al-Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page 496, Hadith 4395
Sayyiduna Abu Abd-ar Rahman Sulami Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said:
"In the month of Ramadhan, Sayyiduna Ali
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu sent for all the Qur’anic recitors, and instructed one
of them to lead 20 rak'ahs Tarawih, and Sayyiduna Ali himself would lead the
wit’r prayer."
[Al-Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page
496, Hadith 4396]
It is narrated that:
Sayyiduna Ali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu
ordered a person to lead the Muslims in the prayer of 20 rak'ahs of Tarawih,
and this was aside from the wit'r.
[Ibn Abd-al Barr, al-Tamhid, Vol. 8, Page
Sayyiduna Yahya bin Sa’id Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said that:
Sayyiduna Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu
ordered an individual that he lead them in the prayer of 20 rak'ahs of Tarawih.
[Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Vol. 2, Page
163, Hadith 7682]
Sayyiduna Naf’i bin Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu states that,
Ibn Abi Malkiya would lead us in the
prayer of 20 rak'ahs of Tarawih in the month of Ramadan.
[Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Vol. 2, Page
163, Hadith 7683]
Sayyiduna Abd-al Aziz bin Rafi’ Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu states that,
Sayyiduna Abi Bin Ka’ab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu would lead the people of
Madinah al-Munawwarah during the month of Ramadan in the praying of 20 rak'ahs
of Tarawih and 3 wit’r.
[Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Vol. 2, Page
163, Hadith 7684]
Sayyiduna Hata’ Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu states that:
" I have observed worshippers praying 23
rak'ahs of Tarawih comprising of the wit’r."
[Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Vol. 2, Page 163, Hadith 7688]
Malik al-‘Ulama Hadrat ‘Allama ‘Ala al-Din Abubakr ibn Mas’ud al-Kasani states:
It has been narrated that Hadrat ‘Umar
al-Faruq assembled all the companions in the month of Ramadhan to perform
Tarawih behind Hadrat Ubayy ibn Ka’b. so, he (Hadrat Ubayy ibn Ka’ab lead them in the Tarawih prayer performing
twenty (20) Rak’ats every night. No one from them ever refuted or disapproved
of this. Thus, the Ijma’ (consensus) of all the companions was on performing
twenty rak’ats for the Tarawih prayer.
[Bada’i al-Sana’i – Vol. 1, Page 288]
Imam Badr al-Din al-‘Aini states in his renowned commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari
entitled, “Umdat al-Qari”:
‘Allama ibn ‘Abd al-Barr has states
that it is the ruling of the majority of the scholars that tarawih is twenty
Rak’ats. The scholars and jurists of Kufa, Imam al-Shafi’i and the majority of
the Fuqaha have stated this, and this is the sound opinion as transmitted from
Hadrat Ubayy ibn Ka’b that no companion had a difference of opinion in it.
[‘Umdatul Qari – Vol. 5, Page 355]
Shaykh al-Islam, al-Imam al-Hafiz ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani states:
It is the Ijma’ of the companions upon
the fact that the Tarawih prayers consists of twenty rak’ats.
It has been stated in Maraqiy al-Falah the commentary of Nur al-Idah that:
Tarawih is twenty rak’ats, as the Ijma’
of the companions is upon this.
‘Allama ‘Abd al-Hayy Faranghi Mahalli states:
It has been proven that the companions
used to perform tarawih twenty rak’ats in the blessed eras of Hadrat ‘Umar,
Hadrat ‘Uthman, Hadrat ‘Ali and all those who came after them. Such reports
have been transmitted by Imam Malik, ibn Sa’d, Imam Baihaqi and others. [‘Umdah al-Ri’ayah hashiyah Sharh al-Waqayah – Vol. 1, Page 175]
Imam Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari states:
The companions all agree (it is their
consensus) upon the fact that Tarawih is twenty rak’ats.
[Mirqat al-Mafatih – Vol. 2 Pg. 175]
The ruling of the Majority
Imam Tirmidhi states:
The majority of the scholars practice what has been transmitted from Hadrat
‘Umar Faruq, Hadrat ‘Ali and the other companions that Tarawih is twenty
rak’ats. Imam Sufiyan al-Thawri, Imam ‘Abdullah ibn Mubarak and Imam al-Shafi’i
have stated the same (that Tarawih is twenty rak’ats). Imam Shafi’i has stated
that we have found the residents of our city Makkah al-Mukarramah performing twenty
rak’ats for the Tarawih prayer.
[Tirmidhi – Chapter on worshipping the
nights of Ramadhan – Page 99]
Imam Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari has stated:
It is the conformity of all the muslims upon the twenty rak’ats for Tarawih.
This is because Imam Baihaqi narrates with a sound chain of transmission that
in the blessed era of Hadrat ‘Umar, Hadrat ‘Uthman and Hadrat ‘Ali, the
companions and all those who followed them (Tabi’un) performed twenty rak’ats
for the Tarawih prayer.
[Babu Fath al-‘Inayah Sharh al-Nuqayah]
It has been stated in the commentary of Tahtawi on Maraqiy al-Falah that:
By the continuous practice of Hadrat
Abubakr al-Siddiq and the other Rightly-Guided Caliphs, it has been proven that
Tarawih is twenty rak’ats. [Page 224]
‘Allama ibn ‘Abidin al-Shami states:
Tarawih is twenty rak’ats; this is the ruling of the majority of the scholars
and the common practice of all Muslims from east till west.
[Radd al-Muhtar – Vol. 1, Page 195]
Shaykh Zain al-Din ibn Nujaim al-Misri states:
Twenty rak’ats Tarawih is the ruling of the majority of the scholars. This is
because it has been reported in the Muwatta of Imam Malik on the authority of
Hadrat Yazid ibn Ruman that in the blessed era of Hadrat ‘Umar al-Faruq the
companions used to perform twenty-three rak’ats (twenty rak’ats for Tarawih and
three rak’ats for the Witr.)
[al-Bahr al-Ra’iq – Vol. 2, Page 66]
Imam Ali Qari al-Hanafi (d. 1014 AH), He said in Sharh al-Naqayah:
"Imam Bayhaqi has reported on
genuine authority (sahih) about the performance of 20 rak’ahs of Tarawih during
the periods of Umar, Uthman and Ali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhum, and hence there
has been consensus (Ijma’) on it."
It has been stated in al-‘Inayah the commentary of al-Hidayah
Until the beginning of the Khilafah (reign) of Hadrat ‘Umar al-Faruq, the
companions used to perform the Tarawih individually. Thereafter, Hadrat ‘Umar
stated that, “I find it better to assemble all the companions (to perform the
Tarawih) behind one Imam.” Thus, he assembled all the companions to perform the
Tarawih with congregation behind Hadrat Ubayy ibn Ka’b. Hadrat Ubayy lead them
in the Tarawih performing 5 sets of four-rak’ats (tarwiha) i.e. performed
twenty rak’ats.
In al-Kifayah it states:
Tarawih is twenty rak’ats in total. This is our (Hanafi) ruling and that of the
school of Imam al-Shafi’i.
In Bada’i al-Sana’i it has been stated:
The number of rak’ats for the Tarawih prayer is twenty; five tarweha with one
salam; every two salams is a tarweha (i.e. one salaam made after every 2
rak’ats. Therefore, two salaams means after four rak’ats). This is the ruling
of the scholars in general. [Vol. 1, Page 288]
Imam al-Ghazzali states:
Tarawih is twenty rak’ats.
[Ihya ‘Ulum al-Din – Vol. 1, Page 201]
In Sharh al-Waqaya it has been stated:
Twenty rak’ats for the Tarawih is the Sunnah. [Vol. 1, Page 175]
In Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri (also known as “al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah”) it states:
Tarawih consists of five Tarweha; each tarweha is four rak’ats with two salaams
(made at the end of two rak’ats). This has also been stated in al-Sirajiyyah. [Vol. 1. Page 108]
Shah Waliyullah Muhaddith-e-Dehlwi states:
The number of rak’ats for the Tarawih is twenty.
[Hujjatullahil Baligha – Vol. 2, Page 18]
Wisdom behind twenty rak’ats for Tarawih
The wisdom behind it is that in total there are twenty rak’ats Fard and Wajib
throughout the day and night; 17 rak’ats are fard and 3 rak’ats are Wajib.
Tarawih is twenty Rak’ats so that in the month of Ramadan the status of these
twenty rak’ats Fard and Wajib are elevated and so that the Tarawih prayer takes
these twenty rak’ats to perfection.
[al-Bahr al-Ra’iq Vol. 2 Page 67 – Tahtawi
commentary on Maraqiy al-Falah – Radd al-Muhtar Vol. 1 Page 495 – al-Nahr
“…whoever prays during the night in Ramadhan sincerely; seeking his reward from Allah, his former sins are forgiven.”
Hadrat Sa’ib ibn Yazid has stated that:
“We, (the Companions of the Beloved Prophet,) used to pray twenty rak’ats Tarawih prayer in the era of the Caliph ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab.”
It has been stated in Mirqat al-Mafatih:
إسناده صحيح
The chain of narration of this Hadith is sound (Sahih).
Hadrat Yazid ibn Ruman reports that:
“...during the time of Hadrat ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, people used to pray 23 Rak’ahs during Ramadhan (20 rak’ahs for Tarawih prayer and 3 rak’ats for witr.)”
Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu narrates, said that,
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يصلي في رمضان عشرين ركعة سوى الوتر
During the month of Ramadhan, aside from the praying of wit’r the beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi wa Aaihi wa Sallam would also pray 20 rak’ahs of Tarawih.
Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Vol. 2, Page 164, Hadith 7692
At-Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Awsat, Vol. 1, Page 243, Hadith 798
At-Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Awsat, Vol. 5, Page 324, Hadith 5440
At-Tabarani, Mu’jam al-Kabir, Vol. 11, Page 393, Hadith 12102
Al-Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page 496, Hadith 4391
Abd bin Hamid, Musnad, Vol. 1, Page 218, Hadith 653
Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh, Vol. 6, Page 113
Al-Haytami, Majma’ az-Zawaid, Vol. 3, Page 172
Ibn Abd-al Barr, al-Tamhid, Vol. 8, Page 115
Al-Asqalani, Fath al-Bari, Vol. 4, Page 254, Hadith 1908
Al-Asqalani, al-Diraya, Vol. 1, Page 203, Hadith 257
As-Suyooti, Tanwir al-Hawaliq, Vol. 1, Page 108, Hadith 263
Zahbi, Mizan al-Ae’tidal, Vol. 1, Page 170
Al-San’ani, Subul Islam, Vol. 2, Page 10
Al-Mizzi, Tahzib al-Kamal, Vol. 2, Page 149
Al-Zela’i, Nasb al-Rayah, Vol. 2, Page 153
Zurqani, Sharh Alal Muwatta, Vol. 1, Page 342
A companion of Sayyiduna Ali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu, Sayyiduna Shutayr bin Shakil narrates that:
Ibn Abi Shayba, Musannaf, Vol. 2, Page 163, Hadith 7680
Al-Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page 496, Hadith 4395
Sayyiduna Abu Abd-ar Rahman Sulami Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said:
It is narrated that:
Sayyiduna Yahya bin Sa’id Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu said that:
Sayyiduna Naf’i bin Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu states that,
Sayyiduna Abd-al Aziz bin Rafi’ Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu states that,
Sayyiduna Abi Bin Ka’ab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu would lead the people of Madinah al-Munawwarah during the month of Ramadan in the praying of 20 rak'ahs of Tarawih and 3 wit’r.
Sayyiduna Hata’ Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu states that:
Malik al-‘Ulama Hadrat ‘Allama ‘Ala al-Din Abubakr ibn Mas’ud al-Kasani states:
Imam Badr al-Din al-‘Aini states in his renowned commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari entitled, “Umdat al-Qari”:
Shaykh al-Islam, al-Imam al-Hafiz ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani states:
It has been stated in Maraqiy al-Falah the commentary of Nur al-Idah that:
‘Allama ‘Abd al-Hayy Faranghi Mahalli states:
Imam Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari states:
Imam Tirmidhi states:
The majority of the scholars practice what has been transmitted from Hadrat ‘Umar Faruq, Hadrat ‘Ali and the other companions that Tarawih is twenty rak’ats. Imam Sufiyan al-Thawri, Imam ‘Abdullah ibn Mubarak and Imam al-Shafi’i have stated the same (that Tarawih is twenty rak’ats). Imam Shafi’i has stated that we have found the residents of our city Makkah al-Mukarramah performing twenty rak’ats for the Tarawih prayer.
Imam Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari has stated:
It is the conformity of all the muslims upon the twenty rak’ats for Tarawih. This is because Imam Baihaqi narrates with a sound chain of transmission that in the blessed era of Hadrat ‘Umar, Hadrat ‘Uthman and Hadrat ‘Ali, the companions and all those who followed them (Tabi’un) performed twenty rak’ats for the Tarawih prayer.
It has been stated in the commentary of Tahtawi on Maraqiy al-Falah that:
‘Allama ibn ‘Abidin al-Shami states:
Tarawih is twenty rak’ats; this is the ruling of the majority of the scholars and the common practice of all Muslims from east till west.
Shaykh Zain al-Din ibn Nujaim al-Misri states:
Twenty rak’ats Tarawih is the ruling of the majority of the scholars. This is because it has been reported in the Muwatta of Imam Malik on the authority of Hadrat Yazid ibn Ruman that in the blessed era of Hadrat ‘Umar al-Faruq the companions used to perform twenty-three rak’ats (twenty rak’ats for Tarawih and three rak’ats for the Witr.)
Imam Ali Qari al-Hanafi (d. 1014 AH), He said in Sharh al-Naqayah:
Until the beginning of the Khilafah (reign) of Hadrat ‘Umar al-Faruq, the companions used to perform the Tarawih individually. Thereafter, Hadrat ‘Umar stated that, “I find it better to assemble all the companions (to perform the Tarawih) behind one Imam.” Thus, he assembled all the companions to perform the Tarawih with congregation behind Hadrat Ubayy ibn Ka’b. Hadrat Ubayy lead them in the Tarawih performing 5 sets of four-rak’ats (tarwiha) i.e. performed twenty rak’ats.
In al-Kifayah it states:
Tarawih is twenty rak’ats in total. This is our (Hanafi) ruling and that of the school of Imam al-Shafi’i.
In Bada’i al-Sana’i it has been stated:
The number of rak’ats for the Tarawih prayer is twenty; five tarweha with one salam; every two salams is a tarweha (i.e. one salaam made after every 2 rak’ats. Therefore, two salaams means after four rak’ats). This is the ruling of the scholars in general. [Vol. 1, Page 288]
Imam al-Ghazzali states:
Tarawih is twenty rak’ats.
In Sharh al-Waqaya it has been stated:
Twenty rak’ats for the Tarawih is the Sunnah. [Vol. 1, Page 175]
In Fatawa-e-‘Alamgiri (also known as “al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah”) it states:
Tarawih consists of five Tarweha; each tarweha is four rak’ats with two salaams (made at the end of two rak’ats). This has also been stated in al-Sirajiyyah. [Vol. 1. Page 108]
Shah Waliyullah Muhaddith-e-Dehlwi states:
The number of rak’ats for the Tarawih is twenty.
The wisdom behind it is that in total there are twenty rak’ats Fard and Wajib throughout the day and night; 17 rak’ats are fard and 3 rak’ats are Wajib. Tarawih is twenty Rak’ats so that in the month of Ramadan the status of these twenty rak’ats Fard and Wajib are elevated and so that the Tarawih prayer takes these twenty rak’ats to perfection.